

Provider: Riad el Haria SARL

192 Derb Jdid – Dabachi
Marrakech Medina

Proprietor: Meriam Kiehns
Place of jurisdiction: Marrakech
RC: 120075

Responsible for content of this website: Meriam Kiehns

The contents of this website are created with the greatest possible care. However, the provider assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and currency of the content provided. The use of the contents of the website is at the user’s own risk. Contributions labeled with a name reflect the opinion of the respective author and not always the opinion of the provider. The simple use of the provider’s website does not entail a contractual relationship between the user and the provider.

This website contains links to third-party websites (external links). These websites are the responsibility of the respective operators. The provider checked the third-party content when first linking external links to determine whether any legal violations exist. At that time, no violations were evident. The provider has no influence on the current and future design and content of the linked pages. The insertion of external links does not mean that the provider accepts the content behind the reference or link. The constant checking of external links is not a reasonable demand to be made of the provider without concrete evidence of legal violations. With knowledge of legal offenses however such external links are deleted immediately.

The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal data. Insofar as personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail addresses) is collected on our pages, this is always done on a voluntary basis as far as possible. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.